If you're happy and you know it...

Hi Reader,

I've been doing some soul-searching and quiet reflection this week, because I'm seeing a lot of the 'fake / toxic spiritual' people and services running rampant (and getting traction) and to be honest, it's been quite triggering for me.

I take it personally.

And I get bloody angry!

Luckily, I now see these anger triggers as an opportunity for some deep personal healing, so I turn inwards...

Yes, there are many 'wolves in sheep's clothing' in the spiritual arena but there are also loads more genuine, working-from-the-heart, totally lovely Light Workers in our world.

This happened to me a few years ago, and those of you who have known me for years will know I took a huge step back from the healing space and closed my business for a while because I just couldn't bare to be associated with ego-driven spiritual predators. (Predator is such a strong word, but that's essentially what they are.)

But not this time.

I'm going to step up into my full power and capabilities, because the world needs to see that the predators are few and far between - even if it does seem like they're dominating the industry because they make lots of noise.

These kinds of people aren't just in spiritual circles; they're everywhere. They're in corporate. They're in science. They're in the arts. They're in the trades.

We can either let these arseholes bring us down and make us feel vulnerable and less-than, or we can use their existence in a more productive and helpful way...

Let's all be motivated to do better - to be better - to just be kind, at the very least (because it's really not hard) so the good people can then be the ones making the noise and getting traction.

Our world loves drama. That's no secret. It feeds the ego and results in a huge rush of adrenaline.

But our world also loves love. We love connection. We love authenticity. These things give us a different kind of rush, and more people deserve to experience that.

So let's be those people who dish out the love, and the connection and the authenticity! Loudly. And very proudly.

If you're happy and you know it - by all means clap your hands and make noise!

But if you're not happy, don't fake it. Be real. Be raw. It's ok to not be ok - you'll move through it.

Oh, one last thing.... If you ever - EVER! - feel like you're being taken advantage of by someone posing as spiritual, tell them to fuck off. And don't be afraid to confront them, and if needed, call them out. (And feel free to forward this rant of mine to anyone you know who might need to hear this too, because some people are in such a deep state of despair that they can't see the fakeness coming at them from their so-called spiritual ally.)

You deserve better, and you will find better - the key is to follow your intuition. Listen to those little inner inklings because they're whispering to you for a reason..

OK, I'll get off my soapbox now haha! Thanks for listening.

You're amazing! And you've got this. Keep going with your own spiritual growth, because the world needs you and your light to shine bright.

Huge love, Jo

Jo Worsfold

Inspiring spiritual stories and advice - with just the right amount of woo - helping women turn their midlife rut into a spiritual awakening so they can connect with (and TRUST!) their intuition and live a joyful, meaningful, soulful life. If you're looking for a down-to-earth approach to your own spiritual awakening and the ongoing spiritual journey that unfolds, you won't be disappointed with my newsletter!

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