Lessons learned

Hi Reader,

I'm being shown time and time again how powerful the combination of a) being in the moment, b) trusting my intuition, and c) clear communication is, and this week is no exception.

I looked out my bathroom window early this morning - just as I always do - to simply breathe and take in the beautiful bush setting behind my yard for a moment or two.

Different things always grab my attention every time - sometimes it's the wild deer sunning themselves in the early morning light, sometimes it's the turbo chook family scratching in the scrub, and sometimes I feel the need to just watch the trees...

This morning was one of those mornings of tree-watching, and straight away my gaze went to the trunk of the big old wattle tree - and I notice that the trunk is different.

It's on a lean. Barely noticeable, but it's definitely got a tilt to it now.

Straight away my intuition tells me this isn't right, so I call out to my husband and tell him what I see.

His response? "Yep I was looking out the back yesterday - my attention went straight to that tree and I noticed the slight lean. I thought it probably needs the top cut out of it otherwise it will hit our house if it falls."


Now, some people will chalk this up to being coincidence - but we both know better.

The chances of us both noticing that same tree amongst all the other trees out there, within 24 hours of each other, and having similar thoughts and feelings is veeeeery slim, at best.

So I've contacted the land owner and he's going to come and assess the tree and take appropriate action.

Will we ever definitively know if that tree was going to fall in the next few days / weeks, and damage our home? Nope.

But we don't need that kind of validation.

Not any more, anyway!

We've had our fair share of a) not being in the moment, and missing something obvious, or b) getting an intuitive feeling or message and not trusting it, or c) not being brave enough to speak up about it despite feeling a bit unsure, or crazy, or silly at the time.

So this week, I want to encourage you to take a chance and trust that incredible intuition of yours - even if you feel a bit silly, or you're unsure. Make more effort to be in the moment, and take in your surroundings. Make more effort to speak your truth.

These three powerful skills are a force to be reckoned with on their own - and when combined, they are a powerhouse that will serve you very well.

Happy Monday! I hope you have a fabulous week basking in each moment that life presents you with.

Huge love, Jo

Jo Worsfold

Inspiring spiritual stories and advice - with just the right amount of woo - helping women turn their midlife rut into a spiritual awakening so they can connect with (and TRUST!) their intuition and live a joyful, meaningful, soulful life. If you're looking for a down-to-earth approach to your own spiritual awakening and the ongoing spiritual journey that unfolds, you won't be disappointed with my newsletter!

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