A little p.s. in addition to yesterday's email...

Hi Reader,

This is your gentle reminder that spirituality looks and feels different for everyone.

It can literally be whatever you want it to be!

Sending you tonnes of love and healing light xxx

OK, that's all I wanted to say! I'll leave you alone now... ;)

Huge love, Jo

Jo Worsfold

Inspiring spiritual stories and advice - with just the right amount of woo - helping women turn their midlife rut into a spiritual awakening so they can connect with (and TRUST!) their intuition and live a joyful, meaningful, soulful life. If you're looking for a down-to-earth approach to your own spiritual awakening and the ongoing spiritual journey that unfolds, you won't be disappointed with my newsletter!

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Intuitive Energy Healer, Channel, Author Jo Worsfold

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