It's energy check-in time!

Hi Reader,

If it's been a while since you've done something soulful for yourself, this is your gentle prompt to please make some time.

What signs should you be looking for, that indicate your energy is a little off and needs some work?

  • A constantly overcrowded / overthinking mind
  • Consistently heightened and unstable emotions
  • An unusually heavy or tired body
  • Feeling out of alignment with life (midlife rut, anyone?)

Don't leave it until you crash and burn. Please get cracking now and do something soulful for yourself.

Put some thought into what will refill your energetic cup. Keep it simple, or go all out - it doesn't matter, as long as it feels good!

The state of your energy matters - if you are energetically energized and aligned, life is better.

And if you need my help, I'm here for you...

  • Have you read my book: Equilibrium, Spirituality for Everyday People? It's a very down-to-earth, easy-read book that is part my story but is mostly me teaching you how to heal yourself and live an authentic, meaningful life.
  • Have you experienced a 1:1 private session with me yet? These hour-long private sessions are best for those times you need a nice big energetic reset and recharge to get you out of a funk. You can come see me in my studio in Riverside for a private session, or join me on Zoom from the comfort of your own home, or you can have an offline distance session.
  • And for ongoing energetic maintenance, consistent healing and accelerated spiritual growth, my weekly Stellar Journey sessions are where the magic is at! A new Stellar Journey lands in your inbox every week - all you need is 45 minutes of quiet time and some headphones. The channelled meditation, energy healing and guidance from Spirit will do the rest.
  • If you're looking for an online community of like-minded, soulful and really friendly women, where you can share cool stories and ask any questions without feeling like a weirdo, the LUMA·NOVA Supergroup (in Facebook) is the perfect place to be.

Have a great weekend! Enjoy spending some time recharging your batteries.

Huge love, Jo

Jo Worsfold

Inspiring spiritual stories and advice - with just the right amount of woo - helping women turn their midlife rut into a spiritual awakening so they can connect with (and TRUST!) their intuition and live a joyful, meaningful, soulful life. If you're looking for a down-to-earth approach to your own spiritual awakening and the ongoing spiritual journey that unfolds, you won't be disappointed with my newsletter!

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